Caring for Carers: Resources for informal supports of NDIS participants - webinar replay
Recorded 10 May 2023
Systems like the NDIS can’t function without the vital and life preserving work that carers do on a daily basis but so often the extent of their contribution is overlooked. It can be compounded when Carers are playing an integral role of fighting for the rights and supports of others within systems like the NDIS and like a frog in a slowly boiling pot of water, sometimes it’s not until you’re cooked that you realise that your caring role isn’t supported in a way that is sustainable for everyone involved.
In this webinar we go through who Carers SA are, what they offer the South Australian Community and what Carer Gateway is about, Australia-wide, and then go through an incredible resource that Carers SA have developed about how to comprehensively put together a Carer impact statement to form part of the evidence submitted to the NDIS to gain access to the NDIS or in a review situation.