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Share first and ask for referrals later. You can build strong NDIS referral networks by leading with service. Read further to get some inspiration on how to make impact and build trust, and referrals.
As part of the "Getting the NDIS Back on Track" Bill No. 1, released on October 3, 2024, impairment notices were introduced. So, what exactly is an impairment notice? It's a document given to NDIS participants that outlines the specific types of impairments they're receiving funding for. In this blog, we'll dive into what an impairment notice is, how it might affect you, and what you can do to prepare.
There are five elements of NDIS business that providers can’t ignore. But nail these elements and whatever changes come your way will be much more manageable.
In this article, we'll highlight some of the major NDIS changes from the past year. These are just a few updates, and be ready… there’s much more on the horizon. So whether you're a participant figuring out how these changes affect your plan, or a provider figuring out where your services now fit, understanding these updates is essential.
Lanny, one of our amazing community members, has put together a list of ideas to help us prepare for the potential loss of support coordination funding. This list is not just about preparing for future changes, it's also incredibly useful for anyone who currently doesn’t have support coordinator funding in their plan.
Bias can be a big hurdle for people with disabilities when looking for a job, and it can show up in many different ways throughout the job search (or even after you nab that role).
Facing bias can be challenging, but there are ways to handle it and advocate for yourself or your loved one. We’ve put together some strategies and scripts to help you at different points on your job search to both help identify and counter it.
We’ve compiled some of the different ways you might be able to use your plan to help you get involved in sports and recreational activities. Because the NDIS is there to bridge the gap, and support you to live the life that you want.
Unfortunately, fraud, scams, and other dodgy behaviours are on the rise, especially those targeting NDIS participants. That’s why we’ve put together this guide just for you - to help expand your safety network.
We've teamed up with My Plan Manager Group to highlight the red flag behaviours every NDIS participant should be aware of. By staying alert to these behaviours, you can make informed decisions, assert your rights, and navigate the NDIS landscape with confidence.
What do you do when your already hard job gets that much harder? Do you have processes and checklists to lean on in times of stress? Check out our process list for when things hit the fan.
Getting the support you need from the NDIS often hinges on the evidence you provide. While reports from medical professionals are vital and hold significant weight, they can also be costly and time-consuming to get a hold of. Here’s 10 free ways to back up your NDIS application or request for additional support that don’t require you to pull out your wallet.
Do you actively seek feedback from your clients with the intent to learn from it - rather than be defensive and put out fires? How do you integrate feedback mechanisms into your daily work life?
When it comes to your NDIS application or asking for more support in your plan, what matters most is the evidence you provide. In this article, we're going to share 10 factors to keep in mind that will make your NDIS evidence more effective. It's the evidence that really counts—it can either help you succeed or hold you back. That's why it's crucial to present your best case.
Do you understand what you already do well in your NDIS Business? Have you explored expanding your business from a place of success? There are so many other ways of measuring success, other than revenue, and here are some suggestions for how you can capitalise on them.
The NDIS is currently in the early stages of massive change. What won’t change once recommendations and guidelines have been implemented is that people living with disabilities will still require support services. Here are two ways you can approach growing your service-based business in the NDIS space.
Downloadable Worksheets
The NDIS Service Provider Toolkit - a collection of all of Kinoras Provider resources
Use this worksheet to write down what helps you most during tough times. For each emotion, note three things that bring you comfort or calm.
Whether you’re facing a challenging day or just want to maintain a positive mindset, this worksheet is here to help you focus on the good and nurture your mental wellness.
It can all come down to how you respond to feedback; the good, the bad and the ugly. Follow this checklist to get you through.
Scams are everywhere, so it's vital to know how to spot them to protect yourself and your personal info. By learning these warning signs and what to do, you'll feel more confident staying safe and savvy against scams.
This tool is designed to help you record your assistance needs over three days. Keep it handy and note down whenever you need support with something throughout your day, use extra sheets if you need more space. This will give the NDIS a clear snapshot of your daily support needs.
A SWOT Analysis is a great tool to help you gain
insight into the internal and external factors that influence oyur NDIS business. Work through the worksheet here and share your insights in the Kinora Providers Only channel.
Preparation is the key to confidence in your NDIS plan reassessment meeting, and will help make sure your plan truly reflects your needs and goals. Complete this worksheet six weeks before your plan end date to gain clarity on shaping your next plan, empowering you to confidently respond to any questions from your planner.
Adapted for the NDIS marketplace, work out the real value of your services with this Kinora worksheet. Figure out who your customers are, what services they need from you to solve their problems and how you stepping in benefits them.
Many service providers require you to sign a consent form before they begin their service. These forms can sometimes be filled with confusing jargon, so this worksheet is here to simplify the process and help you consider the key points.
Advocating for yourself can be powerful. It means speaking up when you need to. This worksheet is here to help you have those important conversations. Sometimes, it's not easy, but with this tool, you can plan what to say and feel more confident.
If you need to make a decision - big or small - this worksheet can help you understand how you would like to be supported. Think about your needs, preferences, and challenges, and make sure your choices reflect your values and goals.
This is a visual guide to your trusted allies and the resources available to you. Fill it out with care and turn to it when you need support.
Plans created on the new PACE platform will be slightly different, so our fact sheet breaks down the different support categories that may be included in yours, to guide you in what could be funded.
When making a decision that affects your life, it’s important to be mindful about the options and look at the big picture. This worksheet will guide you through the process of making informed choices that best align with your needs and wants, and empower you to actively engage in decision-making.
Webinar Replays
In this webinar, we go through the updated NDIS access and eligibility requirements, and the process of applying to become an NDIS participant.
We take a look at some of the common challenges people come up against when trying to become an NDIS participant, and some things that you might be able to try to help overcome them. We also run through the next steps if and when you are accepted onto the NDIS.
2024 is drawing to a close and NDIS participants, their families and service providers are left with open questions, concerns and some trepidation as to what their future could hold. Join us as we speak with Jane Kittel, CEO of My Plan Manager Group, for her insights on the year that was.
Jane shares real human stories from the frontline, reflections on the changes and events of 2024, and a perspective of what 2025 might hold.
Compulsory registration for NDIS businesses - what that means for your business in terms of day-to-day impact, financial investment and considerations for the future.
Kinora speaks to Angela Harvey from Supporting Potential about the audit and registration process for smaller NDIS businesses and all the things they need to consider during this time of change.
Are you curious about how your NDIS plan or Disability Employment Services can support your employment journey? Whether you’re re-entering the workforce, job hunting for the first time, transitioning from school, or exploring volunteering, this empowering session is for you!
Wayne Phipps became Australia's third ever Paralympian to compete in judo when he represented the country at the Tokyo Paralympic Games in 2020. We sat down with Wayne to hear his story and the lessons we can take away from it.
Our expert panelists include an exercise scientist and an osteopath working in multidisciplinary allied health organisations. Watch the webinar to get tips on getting moving and keeping active.
This webinar aims to empower NDIS participants and their families with the knowledge and tools to protect themselves and their NDIS funding from scams and fraudulent activities. We look at practical tips to safeguard yourself, understanding the latest scam tactics, and different avenues for support.
When it comes to seeking support from the NDIS, showing proof is really important. Whether you're just starting your application or you want to access different services in your plan, having evidence makes a big difference. But figuring out what evidence is going to help you get the best outcome, and how to get it, can be tough.
The Kinora team were joined by Angela Harvey of Supporting Potential to talk about feedback mechanisms for NDIS Service Providers.
The Kinora team were joined by Bessi Graham of Benefit Capital to discuss how we define ‘Success’ as a Service Provider business in the NDIS industry.
In this webinar we dive into the world of NDIS housing options, including Supported Independent Living (SIL), Specialist Disability Accommodation (SDA), and Individualised Living Options (ILO). We look at what each of the options means, who might be eligible for them in their NDIS plan, and how the funding is changing under the new NDIS computer system, PACE.
Together with our special guest NDIS expert, Sally Coddington, Principal Consultant at DSC, in this webinar we look at ways for NDIS service providers to fortify their business, while integrating PACE and it’s principles into their everyday business operations.
Together with our special guest NDIS expert, Sally Coddington, Principal Consultant at DSC, in this webinar is all about demystifying the NDIS plan change process and to get you acquainted with the new NDIS computer system, called PACE.
At some point or another on our NDIS journey we may require the support of advocacy services but most definitely, we will find ourselves in situations where self-advocacy is absolutely necessary.
Join us as we discuss advocacy and self-advocacy with Caroline Santangelo, Operations Manager from Self Advocacy Sydney.
The aim of this webinar is to further inform parents, carers and those invested in the education sector on how AT can be accessed and implemented as a practical tool to help your kids navigate life and learning.
Latest NDIS News Updates
Share first and ask for referrals later. You can build strong NDIS referral networks by leading with service. Read further to get some inspiration on how to make impact and build trust, and referrals.
2024 is drawing to a close and NDIS participants, their families and service providers are left with open questions, concerns and some trepidation as to what their future could hold. Join us as we speak with Jane Kittel, CEO of My Plan Manager Group, for her insights on the year that was.
Jane shares real human stories from the frontline, reflections on the changes and events of 2024, and a perspective of what 2025 might hold.
In this article, we'll highlight some of the major NDIS changes from the past year. These are just a few updates, and be ready… there’s much more on the horizon. So whether you're a participant figuring out how these changes affect your plan, or a provider figuring out where your services now fit, understanding these updates is essential.
Compulsory registration for NDIS businesses - what that means for your business in terms of day-to-day impact, financial investment and considerations for the future.
Kinora speaks to Angela Harvey from Supporting Potential about the audit and registration process for smaller NDIS businesses and all the things they need to consider during this time of change.
Compassion fatigue in caring sectors is a huge challenge - who cares for you when you care so much about everyone else? You do!
We've put together some tips and ideas to help you manage the emotional load of your work and caring for others.
AI tools are changing the way we do business - even in the NDIS space. But it doesn't just come down to knowing how to wield this new power, it's also knowing when to be cautious and where the boundaries are in terms of quality, compliance and privacy.
Building trust is key to becoming a service provider of choice for NDIS Participants. Here are 10 strategies you can use to develop that trust.
Building connections that matter: Networking for NDIS business growth; we were joined by Karen Lorenzon of KonnectFEST and Sam Messinis from NDSP Plan Managers.
Watch the video replay below where we cover:
How to make a start at networking even if you're new to the sector
How to avoid networking mistakes and make the best impression
The major Business to Customer and Business to Business events in the NDIS sector, who goes and what to expect.
Tips and tricks on how to get the best out of your networking efforts
10 ways any NDIS Service Provider can get and keep the attention of potential clients - NDIS marketing for any service provider.
10 Places you may not have already looked for your next NDIS client. Let us know in the Kinora Providers Only channel where you’ve been the most successful in expanding your client base.
What do you do when your already hard job gets that much harder? Do you have processes and checklists to lean on in times of stress? Check out our process list for when things hit the fan.
If your business is technology enabled or dependent, you are exposed to a high risk of cyber security threat and data breaches. Your information, when being collected, stored and transferred, and the information of your customers and stakeholders is vulnerable to hackers who recognise the value of things like:
Personal information, including employees
Sensitive business information and intellectual property
Customer lists and their personal and sensitive information
Supplier details
Credit card and banking details.
There are multiple risks by not ensuring your business is cyber-secure; no matter how small and there are also quality, low-investment resources and tools out there to assist.
The Kinora team were joined by Angela Harvey of Supporting Potential to talk about feedback mechanisms for NDIS Service Providers.
It can all come down to how you respond to feedback; the good, the bad and the ugly. Follow this checklist to get you through.
Resources for NDIS Service Providers

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