NDIS Plan Change Glossary

Image Description: A woman in white top and jeans sits on a couch reading a book in her lap, in front of her a man is sitting on the floor with a notebook.

Making sense of the NDIS can be a juggling act, and it’s hard to keep all your balls in the air when as soon as you get used to the jargon… it up and changes on you.

Reviews, reassessments, variations… when talking about NDIS plan changes, those updates in language can make the process even more confusing.

So to help, we’ve put together a glossary of the major terms relating to plan changes. Read through and refresh yourself when you’ve got a plan change coming up, so that you’re on the same page of the dictionary as the NDIS.

Got anything to add to the glossary? Login or signup to Kinora and let us know!

Reassessment Date


Plan Reassessment

Reassessment Meeting

Plan Variation

Change of situation

Internal Review of a Decision

External Review of a Decision

Being clear on NDIS terminology can help to make sure that you’re requesting the right changes to your plan, and feel confident and prepared for any conversations you need to have about your plan.

Are there any other words, acronyms, or jargon terms that you’re not sure of? Jump onto the Kinora community and let’s talk the talk together.


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