The different pathways to employment - watch Soulaie’s journey

Finding employment can be difficult for everyone, and when you have a disability, there can be even more barriers you might face.

Soulaie, part of the team here at Kinora, wanted to share her own personal journey, as she’s had a range of different experiences in finding employment to get to where she is today.

Through her journey, she’s come to realise that having a disability can be a shining light that sets you apart. Watch below to share in her journey and learn her key takeaways.

From volunteering to traineeships, there are many pathways to employment you can explore, and the NDIS might be able to assist you on your own journey.

We’d love to hear your own journey on Kinora! Jump onto the community to join the discussion and share your employment pathway, or ask for advice on how you can you use your NDIS plan to take the first step.


A program for carers wanting to re-enter the workforce


Not sure if your psychosocial disability is eligible for the NDIS? Here’s what you’ll need to access supports.