NDIS Goal Setting Online Workshop - Webinar replay

Recorded 7 February 2023

Setting goals is an important part of giving the NDIA and the Planner who is drawing up your NDIS Plan an insight into what is important to you and how to hopefully design a plan that is just that bit more personalised for you. But writing goals are not easy.

Kinora has developed a few tools to aid in the process of reflection and evaluation that is the start to writing goals that hopefully will increase the SCOPE of what you can do and achieve with your NDIS plan.

In this webinar we explore:

Reflection - The 8 Domains of Life

Evaluate - The Stop, Start, Continue worksheet

Write NDIS Goals - SMART goals or SCOPE goals.

Download the toolkit at www.kinora.com.au

8 Domains of Life: A NDIS Goals Brainstorming tool.


Reassess your situation and supports with our Start, Stop, Continue worksheet - https://bit.ly/3c6mUBF

SCOPE goal setting - to get more flexibility out of your budget.


SCOPE NDIS goals worksheet. -


Extra resource! Translate your goals to NDIS speak



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