Transitioning NDIS Teens to their Next Stage in Life - Webinar replay

Recorded 7 February 2023

Carolyn Kurzyniec from 4gr Customised Employment Services shares her experience and wisdom from working with teens on the NDIS, across the ages of 14-18, to build capacity toward finding and potentially gaining employment and to become more confident and independent.

During this webinar Carolyn talks about:

- The importance of helping your younger teen explore their interests and give things a go. Greater exposure will help your teen and you, as a parent, build a clearer picture of a suitable future job or career and therefore a pathway forward or a goal to focus on.

- Building evidence for NDIS support to help your teen build capacity for finding and keeping a job or, if they are planning to or have left school – some NDIS school leavers support.

- Some of the skills that many young people will need to develop to become more “work-ready.’ Such as: sleep hygiene, travel training, time management, organisational skills, emotional regulation but also how to relate and speak with colleagues or people in authority.

- The typical journey of a teen who engages 4gr Customised Employment Services including, the effort to know and understand your teen, work taster visits, a work-mentor, work-integrated learning opportunities and possibly joining work simulation sessions with others in their peer group.

Transitioning a teen is a process and speaking with Carolyn gives us the confidence that there are expert providers out there that can help you and your teen along their journey.


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