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Ground Yourself Fast Worksheet | Go-To Emotional Anchors
Use this worksheet to write down what helps you most during tough times. For each emotion, note three things that bring you comfort or calm.

Mindful Moments Worksheet | Focus on the the Good
Whether you’re facing a challenging day or just want to maintain a positive mindset, this worksheet is here to help you focus on the good and nurture your mental wellness.

Stay Scam Savvy: Warning signs to watch out for - factsheet
Scams are everywhere, so it's vital to know how to spot them to protect yourself and your personal info. By learning these warning signs and what to do, you'll feel more confident staying safe and savvy against scams.

Caring for Someone with a Psychosocial Condition: For carers and providers - webinar replay
For family members, friends, or NDIS service providers caring for someone with a psychosocial or cognitive condition This webinar provides practical resources, tips, and heartfelt support.

Let's Talk Mental Health: Learn practical tools and language to use - webinar replay
We all have moments when we're not feeling quite ourselves, but sometimes it’s hard to be vulnerable and tell people that we’re struggling. In this webinar, we offer practical tools and language to articulate what's going on inside, and when you might need professional help.

Mental Health Conversation Starter Letter
Talking about our mental health struggles can be incredibly challenging, but it’s important to be open and honest to get the support we need. This letter can be used as a safe way to express your concerns, by handing it to a loved one or your health provider.

Assistive Technology to help with emotional or sensory overload
Assistive technology (AT) covers a wide range of products that help people live more independently and complete everyday tasks, from devices through to modified and adaptive eating utensils to shower chairs. However, most people do not realise that there is a large category of AT products that can be powerful tools for managing emotional and sensory overload.

Installing the oxygen tank: areas to consider when planning a sustainable Carer support system
So often, it’s not until we’re at a complete crisis point and the wheels are falling off that we realise that our lives are balancing on the edge of one thing - us. And if we’re not firing on all cylinders the many things we work so hard to maintain, including the people we care for, are left vulnerable if we go down.

Support is a powerful thing: how to gather ‘your people’ even if you don’t have anyone around you.
Support people are so important, especially when it comes to navigating the NDIS. They are an outlet to share your feelings about what you're going through, they help keep you accountable by encouraging you to keep working toward your goals every day and they can provide encouragement when things get tough or if there's something specific that needs to be done that day (like exercising).

The Self Advocacy Skills you Need as an NDIS Participant
Sometimes exercising our choice and control means standing up and speaking out. It can mean making our voice heard not only when things go wrong, but at every point on the NDIS journey. Because at every step, we know people get a better outcome when they’re informed of the NDIS system they need to operate within, and when they inform others of their specific wants and needs.
Accessing Mental Health Services - Webinar replay
There are a lot of mental health services out in the market today, but it is hard to understand how to best access them, know what is available and whether they are the most appropriate for your situation.

Transitioning NDIS Teens to their Next Stage in Life - Webinar replay
Carolyn Kurzyniec from 4gr Customised Employment Services shares her experience and wisdom from working with teens on the NDIS, across the ages of 14-18, to build capacity toward finding and potentially gaining employment and to become more confident and independent.

Mental Health Services Outside NDIS
Whether you’ve been advised you’re ineligible for an NDIS plan, or your plan doesn’t cover your psychosocial disability, there are a range of other community and government supports that you can access.

Not sure if your psychosocial disability is eligible for the NDIS? Here’s what you’ll need to access supports.
A large proportion of NDIS participants are now being funded for their psychosocial disabilities, however the journey to becoming funded is often quite difficult. We’re here to help you understand the eligibility requirements, and the best types of evidence to gather to strengthen your application.

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