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Understanding PACE Support Categories
Plans created on the new PACE platform will be slightly different, so our fact sheet breaks down the different support categories that may be included in yours, to guide you in what could be funded.
‘Tis the season for celebration, good cheer and overwhelm: some ideas on making Christmas magical for everyone.
We wanted to share some tools, tips, and tricks to help every member of our community navigate this festive season. Hopefully, they help us focus on what really matters: having fun with family and friends.
Elevating Learning with Assistive Technology for School-aged Children - Webinar replay
The aim of this webinar is to further inform parents, carers and those invested in the education sector on how AT can be accessed and implemented as a practical tool to help your kids navigate life and learning.
Decision Making Checklist
When making a decision that affects your life, it’s important to be mindful about the options and look at the big picture. This worksheet will guide you through the process of making informed choices that best align with your needs and wants, and empower you to actively engage in decision-making.
Connecting Worlds: How Augmented Reality is Revolutionising Assistive Technology
For many in our community, accessing information or navigating daily life can be challenging. That’s where AR might be able to help. With Augmented Reality becoming more common, we're excited about new products that combine AR with the life-changing power of AT.
Caring for Someone with a Psychosocial Condition: For carers and providers - webinar replay
For family members, friends, or NDIS service providers caring for someone with a psychosocial or cognitive condition This webinar provides practical resources, tips, and heartfelt support.
Let's Talk Mental Health: Learn practical tools and language to use - webinar replay
We all have moments when we're not feeling quite ourselves, but sometimes it’s hard to be vulnerable and tell people that we’re struggling. In this webinar, we offer practical tools and language to articulate what's going on inside, and when you might need professional help.
Mental Health Conversation Starter Letter
Talking about our mental health struggles can be incredibly challenging, but it’s important to be open and honest to get the support we need. This letter can be used as a safe way to express your concerns, by handing it to a loved one or your health provider.
Navigating the NDIS with Pain: Understanding Eligibility and Support - Webinar Replay
Pain can be isolating and challenging, but understanding the NDIS and how it relates to pain could make a world of difference. In this webinar we break down the NDIS application process and eligibility criteria with a focus on pain-related disabilities.
Assistive Technology to help with emotional or sensory overload
Assistive technology (AT) covers a wide range of products that help people live more independently and complete everyday tasks, from devices through to modified and adaptive eating utensils to shower chairs. However, most people do not realise that there is a large category of AT products that can be powerful tools for managing emotional and sensory overload.
Pain Bubble - pain management options
This is a visual guide of the pain management options that we have available both inside and outside of the NDIS when we extend our circle wider for greater support.
What potential NDIS clients really want to know about you - Webinar replay
A panel discussion with a busy and experienced support coordinator and an NDIS participant as they talk about how they find, assess and decide to try a service provider.
Pain Flare Toolkit Worksheet
This toolkit empowers you to take charge of your pain by filling it out in advance, so when a flare up strikes, you have a personalised roadmap at your fingertips to help you through.
Gaining access to the NDIS with a pain condition
Gaining access to the NDIS with pain that causes disability might seem impossible; but just like any condition or diagnosis that isn’t on List A or B in the Eligibility Guidelines, an application requires adequate demonstration of impairment.
Understanding reasonable and necessary supports for effective pain management
Understanding what would be considered reasonable and necessary supports for effective pain management could be what stands between you and an increase in quality of life via your NDIS funding.
NDIS Service Agreement Template
This free NDIS Service Agreement template can be used as a formal agreement between a service provider and a participant. It will help everyone understand what to expect and how to work together.
Making Assistive Technology work for you: five things about AT that you may not have already considered.
Getting Assistive Technology is one thing, but making it work for you is an entirely different hurdle. Here’s a few lesser thought about aspects of integrating Assistive Technology into your everyday life that is worth pondering, whatever stage you are at with AT and improving your life.
Assistive Technology Reasonable & Necessary Checklist
This worksheet will help you make informed decisions about purchasing low cost (under $1,500) low risk assistive technology items with your NDIS plan funding.
Necessity is the mother of invention: Bringing NDIS Assistive Technology to life
Here are the stories of three inspiring mothers who took their child’s needs and created products to make their life, and the lives of countless others, easier. Through determination and creativity, these visionary mums are shaping the landscape of assistive technology in the NDIS, by turning necessities into inventions.
Assistive Technology & the NDIS What's out there and how you can access it - Webinar replay
Are you curious about how Assistive Technology (AT) can improve and enhance your everyday living? This webinar takes a tour of the realm of Assistive Technology in the context of the NDIS.
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