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Decoding the NDIS Pricing Guidelines to Unlock Budget Possibilities - Webinar Replay
Whether you're an NDIS participant looking to maximise your funding, or a service provider aiming to offer exceptional support, in this webinar you'll get the tools and knowledge to navigate the complex world of NDIS funding with ease.
Bundle - Low cost AT & reasonable and necessary
This is a list of assistive technology product ideas that could qualify to be flexibly funded. Bundled to this list is our ‘Can I Buy That’ checklist.
Low-Cost, High Potential: Navigating the world of NDIS Assistive Technology
There are so many simple items and devices out there that can make our lives easier, help with independence, and keep us safe. This is what the NDIS calls “Assistive Technology” (AT), and for AT that’s low cost and low risk, you generally won’t need any special funding added to your plan, or any pre-approval from the NDIS.
How to access Government funded Carer Support: A walk through of the Carer Star process - webinar replay
Over 43% of Kinora members self-identify as Carers, so by partnering with Carers SA, we take a look at the Carer Star process; the assessment tool that Carers SA and Carer Gateway organisations around Australia use to facilitate Carers accessing support services.
What to expect from a good NDIS Plan Manager - webinar replay
In this webinar, we’re joined by three knowledgeable plan management providers for a discussion on what you should be looking for in a plan manager, and how their support can make a world of difference to your overall NDIS experience.
Provider Difficult Conversations - price changes & charges
As a provider there can sometimes be difficult conversations that need to be had. This worksheet provides scenarios to help you strategise how to discuss them.
Scripts for difficult conversations - price changes & charges
Scripting is a good way to plan a difficult conversation. This worksheet provides potential scenarios and tips to help you through those conversations.
Evaluate potential NDIS service providers
When seeking a new service provider for your NDIS supports, it’s important to evaluate whether or not they may be a good fit for you. Use this checklist to record potential providers details so that you can compare and narrow down your list
Installing the oxygen tank: areas to consider when planning a sustainable Carer support system
So often, it’s not until we’re at a complete crisis point and the wheels are falling off that we realise that our lives are balancing on the edge of one thing - us. And if we’re not firing on all cylinders the many things we work so hard to maintain, including the people we care for, are left vulnerable if we go down.
How to get the best NDIS support worker for your needs - webinar replay
In this webinar we talk with our expert NDIS support work providers about:
accessing support work with your NDIS plan
what to expect when hiring a support worker
what to look out for to find the right support worker for you.
Caring for Carers: Resources for informal supports of NDIS participants - webinar replay
In this webinar we go through who Carers SA are, what they offer the South Australian Community and what Carer Gateway is about, Australia-wide, and then go through an incredible resource that Carers SA have developed about how to comprehensively put together a Carer impact statement to form part of the evidence submitted to the NDIS to gain access to the NDIS or in a review situation.
NDIS Sole Trader Foundations of Bookkeeping, presented with okke - webinar replay
Knowing how to set up and systemise your bookkeeping, invoicing and cashflow systems is a key part of running a successful business - no matter the industry. However, having the specialised information delivered specific to working within the NDIS system is priceless.
Support is a powerful thing: how to gather ‘your people’ even if you don’t have anyone around you.
Support people are so important, especially when it comes to navigating the NDIS. They are an outlet to share your feelings about what you're going through, they help keep you accountable by encouraging you to keep working toward your goals every day and they can provide encouragement when things get tough or if there's something specific that needs to be done that day (like exercising).
NDIS Basics Part Two - Hiring Service Providers and self Advocacy - Webinar replay
In part one of our NDIS Basics webinar series we looked at your participant journey, from application to plan implementation. Here in part two we look at finding, evaluating and hiring the right service provider for you, and how important it is to self-advocate at different stops on the NDIS journey.
Low risk and low cost AT
This is a list of assistive technology product ideas that could qualify to be flexibly funded. Before purchasing anything, check it against the NDIA Reasonable and Necessary criteria, or check with your support coordinator, LAC/Planner.
Building Capacity with Allied Health - Webinar replay
In this session we discuss:
What Allied Health services exist and are available across multiple states
How using Allied Health services can help achieve my NDIS goals
The Self Advocacy Skills you Need as an NDIS Participant
Sometimes exercising our choice and control means standing up and speaking out. It can mean making our voice heard not only when things go wrong, but at every point on the NDIS journey. Because at every step, we know people get a better outcome when they’re informed of the NDIS system they need to operate within, and when they inform others of their specific wants and needs.
NDIS Basics for Service Providers: Understanding the Participant's NDIS Journey - webinar replay
In this webinar we walk through the NDIS journey that your clients are on, so you can see where you fit in and add extra value. Knowing what your NDIS client must go through will give you a better perspective on how you can help and be part of the solution to them.
What you need to know about NDIS Support Coordination- Webinar replay
In this webinar we talk with our expert Kinora providers about support coordination, the different levels of support coordination that exist and what documentation might be needed to have support coordination included in your NDIS plan.
Recreational Therapy and Support Options - Webinar replay
There are a variety of therapy options for NDIS participants outside of main stream clinical supports. Non clinical supports such as the ones featured in this webinar are growing in demand due to the benefits they are providing to many participants.
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